My Career Stream
Career development resources

When it comes to career development, having a growth mindset is an important part of achieving goals. A growth mindset is the belief a person has in their abilities to be developed through their dedication and hard work. There is no such thing as a barrier to people who are committed to their personal growth – only opportunities.
Virginia Tech is invested in helping our employees be their best. As part of this investment, My Career Stream is a new collection of resources to help Virginia Tech faculty and staff look at their career path with intention, and reach their career goals and learning aspirations. These resources work in tandem or even overlap with individual performance goals and other individual, leadership, and team development activities to help employees stay on track with their annual goals and with where they want to be in their career and personal development.
All Virginia Tech employees are invited to use the following resources.
Ask Otter uses a cutting-edge aggregated search capability and user input to find available opportunities and resources from PageUp LMS, the TLOS Professional Development Network (PDN), and LinkedIn Learning all at one time. The tool is available for Virginia Tech employees with access to those systems. Employees just need to sign in with their VT username and password to start building a customized training list today.
The Divisions of Information Technology (Learning Systems) and Human Resources (Talent Development) partnered to build the tool.
Career Net
Do you want to capture the steps that you need to grow in your career with Virginia Tech? CareerNet will be able to help.

This application will build a career path based on user input. The path may include both lateral and horizontal steps a person can take to achieve their career goals. While the application will draw information from the A/P faculty job catalog, the same principles can be applied for employees in staff and non-student wage roles to grow their career with Virginia Tech.
** CareerNet is under devlopment. More information will be shared when the application is live.
A series of Zoom conversations with university subject matter experts focused on how to develop and advance a career at Virginia Tech.

Hooked In sessions are held every other month and last for one hour. Topics and registration links will be announced in the VT News daily email and posted on this site. Sessions will be available on-demand through the PageUp Learning Management System.
Tackle Box
When you go fishing, you need the right lures to catch the right fish. That's what Tackle Box is built to do. This collection of HR learning and development resources and tools will be designed for all employees to advance understanding of Human Resources (HR) at Virginia Tech.

Watch for more information soon as we fill up the Tackle Box with the following development activies:
- HR 101 (industry standards)
- HR Essentials (basics of HR at Virginia Tech)
- HR Excellence (advanced HR functions at Virginia Tech)
- Linked-In Learning certifications
Assistance available
8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: 540-231-9331