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Keyboard Accessibility

PageUp is currently limited in its keyboard accessibility, but improving over time. Here are a few tips and tricks that may help with navigation.

Start from the home page

The home page's top navigation is tabbable. Subpages occasionally will not have tabbable functionality in the top navigation. Select the Home icon to return to home and navigate from there if the top navigation no longer functions as expected.


The "Add Journal" button has a known issue that the "Add" button within the popup is not accessible with keyboard-only navigation. To successfully add a journal entry, navigate under the "About Me" drop-down menu and access "Journal" from there. The Journal page, which is more keyboard accessible, has its own add icon (+) and "Done" button that will allow journal entries to be saved.

To add a journal entry to a performance plan, such as during the Touchpoints phase, work with the employee/supervisor. 

Development plan

Adding to a development plan can only be done through the learning library and learning calendar. When completing a performance plan, any new activities should be added in the learning library or through the assistance of the employee/supervisor. 

Uploading a document to a performance plan

To upload a document to a performance plan, such as during the Touchpoints phase, work with the employee/supervisor. 

Accessing performance plan reports

Employees should work with their supervisor to get access to reports for their completed performance plan evaluations.

Supervisors can get reports by accessing performance reviews under the "My Team" drop down. Within the performance reviews table, select "Open Review" for the review for which a report is desired. Within the review, navigate to the "Actions" dropdown and select "Report".